The following is a network of entities, friends, and individuals who I have collaborated with in the past and found worthy of making little entries of them because they're kind of neat.
One of my IRL high school friends, Little Red Dot (Chelsea), has made strides in her artistic career by crafting several cosplays and creating the North by North Quest Dungeons and Dragons podcast. She still kicks my ass in arcade shooters.
Commonly associated with products at the top of the DM's Guild, M.T. Black has commissioned me for projects in the past. Easy to work with and allows lots of creative input with projects.
Lead designer of the Heroes of the Orient setting at the DM's Guild, Marc has worked with me on a recent upcoming adventure set in his exciting world of the Jade Empire.
Free lance artist and comic creator, Shawn Daley has inked and colored several pieces of artwork for my personal projects in the past.
A visual artist of several styles, Fluorescent Wolf (Jupiter) has worked with me on many personal and group projects. I still disappoint her when we play Overwatch.